Not everyone that dreams is dreaming good dreams.
Being a romance author doesn’t always allow for the positive.
Stephanie Daniels finds herself in a place that she never thought that she'd be. Everything was going her way. She had things all lined up. At least it had been until she'd gone away to a New York book signing. Meeting Daniel White, cover model extraordinaire, would have been the greatest thing had the events that followed the meeting NOT happened.
If she were writing her own story, then she would just kill herself off. It would put her out of her misery and probably solve a lot of her problems. Life just had to get better, didn't it?

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The Author
Ellie Keys is a Mystery/Thriller and Romance author. The more diabolical the read the better. One of her pet peeves is being able to guess the ending before she gets there. She also enjoys reading all things romance, whether it's paranormal, mythological, mystery or contemporary doesn't matter. Her favorite things to do are mostly centered around books. Other pastimes are going to the movies, playing around on social media and she's addicted to word games: Scrabble, Text Twist, Wheel of Fortune. Cookie Jam and Bubble Witch have commandeered her free time lately.
Ellie Keys is from Michigan and a graduate of Central Michigan University with a degree in psychology. This degree allows her acknowledge that she may be a little bit off because of all of the talk about hearing voices that don't allow her to sleep. The good thing about that is she is in good company. She was happy to learn that she wasn't alone when she talked to other authors.
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