Thursday, July 7, 2016

Release Blitz Promotion for Sabotage by Dale Wiley.


Every hour, explosions rock the United States—without warning of where they will occur.

Big cities. Small towns. Rural back roads.

Sinister messages appear on computer screens across America, and the message is clear.

No one is safe...

- Not disgraced FBI agent Grant, awaiting his call back to the big time;

- Not savvy beauty Caitlin, the ultimate “Sin City” party girl;

- Not even Naseem, the would-be martyr who helped plan the attacks.

- Not rapper Pal Joey, an international sensation;

As an unhinged mastermind paralyzes the country, all roads lead to Las Vegas, where unlikely heroes must put aside their differences and forge an alliance to stop the attacks before the passing hours bring down a Nation.

Can four people, united only by their hatred of a common enemy, stop …


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Sabotage takes you from many different vantage points through a series of domestic terror attacks. It moves fast, and was very fun to write. It has been very satisfying to turn it over to a small number of readers and gauge their response. I have always loved the Beastie Boys, and, of course, who doesn't love their song "Sabotage"? I had a trailer for a movie using that soundtrack in my head, but the story had never come together. One day, while boating on Lake of the Ozarks, I started seeing a story. It didn't necessarily match up with the Sabotage trailer yet, but I eventually thought about using the new story along with what I had already written.

Sabotage is very different than my first novel, The Intern.  There are some funny characters, but it's not written for laughs in the way that book was. I also hope the reader enjoys the multiple points of view, male and female, and this obviously gives it a very different feel from my other book.


Dale Wiley

Dale Wiley is a Missouri attorney who has had a character named after him on CSI, owned a record label, been interviewed by Bob Edwards on NPR's Morning Edition and made motorcycles for Merle Haggard and John Paul DeJoria. He has three awesome kids and spends his days working as a lawyer fighting big banks.




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