Thursday, October 2, 2014


Option 1b

Title: Already Famous (Famous, #4)
Author: Heather Leigh
Release Date: October 26, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Drew Forrester is a regular guy from Boston, MA with an unusual job. His work keeps him from getting close to anyone, unwilling to give his trust, especially after a terrible betrayal when he left home at nineteen to pursue his dream. He throws himself into his work and his favorite way of releasing his frustrations, Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts. He resorts to short term hook-ups, figuring he'll be alone forever. When a gorgeous redhead literally falls into his life, he decides that it's fate and pursues her relentlessly. But this girl is seriously damaged, and keeps secrets that he doesn't understand and can't get her to reveal. Her lack of trust and seeming paranoia about letting anyone get close to her leads Drew to keep some secrets of his own. This is a companion novel to Relatively Famous, told from Drew's point of view.
Drew leaves the café with Sydney.
  Sydney is clearly distraught. I can’t let her walk home like this, what if someone takes advantage of her? “I’m going with you, you’re upset. I can walk you home if you like.” Then maybe I’ll get her to give me her number. God, I sound like a stalker. A famous, movie star, lunatic, Adam Reynolds-hating stalker. “Drew, you’re being very nice considering I just acted like a total psycho. Just because you saved me once doesn’t mean that you have an obligation to walk me home.” She looks in my eyes and I see it there, behind the fear. She doesn’t want to end our conversation either, but for whatever reason, she needs to be somewhere else right now. I feel hope rising up in me. Be honest with her Forrester. I reach out and touch her arm to stop her from bolting out of the café. Just like the last time, a spark of electricity shoots straight to my dick. Jesus, calm down. I can’t let her see a damn tent in my pants. “First of all, you’re not a psycho, well, maybe a little for sitting with a strange pseudo-repellant man who gives really good first aid and rides home to bleeding women. Second, I know I’m not obligated to walk you home, but I don’t think you should be alone when you’re upset. Plus, I just like talking to you and was hoping we could talk more.” She nods at me, a little stunned. Maybe when I touched her she felt it too. I grab the brim of my cap and pull it down to hide from the Adam Reynolds’ fan club in the café and follow her outside. Shit, this is my chance. Go big or go home, right?   Famous series
Relatively Famous (Famous, #1) - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Absolutely Famous (famous, #2) - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Extremely Famous, Famous, #3) - Amazon US | Amazon UK
About the Author
I grew up in New England and currently live outside Atlanta, GA with my husband, two kids, a French Bulldog and a pug. I'm a full-time procrastinator and a part-time everything else. I love the Red Sox, chocolate, and traveling. When I'm not writing, I'm dealing drugs legally as a pharmacist.

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