Friday, October 3, 2014

The Last Thing You See Blitz Post ***GIVEAWAY***

The Last Thing You See by Emma South
Publication date: September 26th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult


Harper Bayliss is about to pay the full price of fame. That is, if her stalker’s plans work out.
Hollywood’s new favourite starlet is already feeling overwhelmed by the insecurity of her past, a family that controls her every move, and the stresses that come with her job when a brutal attack from a madman takes that stress to a whole new level. But what neither Harper nor her attacker saw coming was the 6’4”, heavily muscled ex-Marine, Nick Martell, throwing himself in harm’s way to save her. After she visits him in the hospital to offer her thanks, she can’t help but be intrigued by the man she finds beneath the bad boy exterior.
Plagued by guilt over his failure to protect the one person that mattered the most, all Nick wants is to find some peace. The tattooed former Marine is scarred, inside and out, but saving Harper Bayliss might be his first step toward redemption. What’s more, her answer to his heartfelt question is about to send them both down a path of scorching passion…and maybe even love.
With the pressures of Harper’s fame and Nick’s guilt working against them, will their feelings be enough to overcome all the obstacles, including the stalker that’s still out there? If he gets his way he’ll show them that, even if they choose each other, you seldom get to choose the last thing you see.
The Last Thing You See from USA Today bestselling author Emma South is a New Adult Romance about letting go of the past to find unconditional love in the present.



"At that moment, of all the things in the world I wanted to be real, I wanted Nick to be real the most.  It was hard to believe I was here, at the place I usually only came alone to, with somebody like him.

There was more to him than a sexy bad boy exterior, more than the muscle-bound villain I’d thought of when I first saw him.  So much more.  I brought my hand up along his strong back, to the rear of his neck, and gently stroked there with my fingers as I looked into his eyes.

Our lips could only have been a couple of inches apart.  Under my hand, I could feel Nick shivering in anticipation or some kind of self-restraint that was barely holding up under the pressure.  After pouring my heart out I felt like it was filling up with something else, something better, and a voice just kept repeating in my mind kissmekissmekissme."

Now a USA Today Best Selling Author!

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I'm in my thirties and living in New Zealand. About 2 years ago I lost somebody very close to me. I was lucky in a way, I was given enough time to make a promise. My promise was that I would never forget our young and innocent love, and it's a promise I intend to keep.

My writing is a way to help me keep that promise. I've always enjoyed writing but was forced into being 'prudent' and giving myself over to soul-crushing office work for the sake of a steady salary. Recent events forced me to re-evaluate my priorities and I decided to take a chance. I like to put little pieces of 'us' into my writing, from funny conversations we had, to apocalyptic arguments, to that special feeling you get when you hop into bed fully aware that your feet are freezing but your partner doesn't kick you away.

Even though these things are set in fictional worlds and attached to fictional characters, in a way it feels like I'm doing something that will make our love live forever. If somebody reads one of my stories and likes a joke or sheds a tear, then our love has lived on, and I thank any readers I might have for that.

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Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • 1x $15 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1x $10 Amazon Gift Card
  • 5x $5 Amazon Gift Cards

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