Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Remembering Us Cover
Title: Remembering Us
Author: Stacey Lynn
Release Date: October 7th 2014 by Montlake Romance (first published on January 12, 2014)
Genre: New Adult Romance

My life was perfectly mapped out for me since before I was born. I followed it, begrudgingly, because it was expected. And then one day, everything changed. I woke up. Different. Independent. Free from all the rules that had defined my life. Only I have no idea how I got to where I am. I have no memory of the last two years. I don’t remember graduating college, and I certainly don’t remember Adam–the boyfriend I live with. He loves me. And I love him. At least that’s what everyone says. But when my memories return to me as dreams, I see a different version of the man everyone claims is perfect for me. He terrifies me. He makes my heart race and he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. Do I want to welcome the emotional chaos that his piercing brown eyes and messy black hair causes every time I get a glimpse of him? Or should I run back to the perfectly manicured life that used to be mine?  
Purchase the Book
  Remembering Us Teaser    
About the Author
Amazon Bestselling Author. Stacey's books include, Just One Song, Just One Week, the erotic romance Don't Lie To Me, Remembering US and the Nordic Lords MC series.
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